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Optimal vaginal health is found when you have a balanced PH of approximately 4.5 and also a proper balance in the vaginal flora.  However, this is difficult to keep in check when dealing with the daily effects of things such as stress, poor diet, sex, and low quality feminine products.  All of these outside factors can alter the naturally occurring and beneficial bacteria in your vagina that defend against infections and preserve a normal pH level, leading to bacterial vaginitis (BV) and yeast infections.  And in addition to being annoying and embarrassing, if left untreated, these infections can lead to more serious problems such as fertility problems, infections, STDs and PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).  To fight against improper vaginal PH balance and vaginal yeast infections, many women are turning Boric Acid Suppositories. 


The name may sound a little intimidating, but Boric Acid (particularly in the suppository form) is actually a very effective natural antifungal agent that is used to fight off fungal infections such as vaginal yeast infections.  Derived from Boron (B), Boric Acid is a mild acidic hydrate of boric oxide that provides moderate antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties, and many doctors and women’s health experts are now recommending vaginal boric acid suppositories as a treatment option for vaginal yeast infections when typical antifungal yeast infection medicines are ineffective. *


Treatment for vaginal yeast infections


A boric acid product can be found in prescription, non-prescription, and even homemade forms.  It is always wise to council with your doctor first, but generally, for treatment of standard yeast infections, over-the-counter Boric Acid Suppositories are strong enough to accomplish the desired result.  For treatment of frequent or persisting yeast infections, patients will insert a Boric Acid Suppository or capsule into the vagina prior to bedtime for seven days.  The suppositories are bullet shaped and made of mostly vegetable oil that is infused with Boric Acid.  The suppository will slowly melt and line the inner lining of the vagina and disperse the medicine across the infected area and even through the bloodstream.  If symptoms persist after one week of treatment, it’s recommended that you consult your physician or healthcare professional to see if a longer treatment timeline is needed. 


A natural yet effective option


When looking for an alternative to harsh chemical treatments, many women opt for Boric Acid as a natural solution to yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis (BV).  Recent studies who it cures up to 70 percent of women see improved results from Boric Acid Suppository treatments. *  Additionally, when combined with proper cleansing and treatment of the infected area, several reports are showing that suppositories provide symptomatic relief within 24 hours. 


Is Boric Acid safe to use?


Like many other natural remedies, the research and studies are ongoing concerning the use of Boric Acid, but each year, more and more healthcare professionals are agreeing that the side effects seem to be minimal compared to the benefits it affords.  That said, it’s important to note that when used as a vaginal suppository, boric acid is will sometimes cause skin irritation and has been linked to endocrine disruption.  It should never be taken orally or applied to open wounds.  You should never use Boric Acid Suppositories when breastfeeding or during pregnancy, and you should always keep Boric Acid products out of the reach of children.  While it is likely OK for home remedies such as yeast infections, athletes foot, or even acne treatment, it’s best not to expose yourself to it unnecessarily or in large amounts (bath bombs, or body scrubs, etc.) 



Frequently Asked Questions


Question: Will Boric Acid Suppositories cure my yeast infection?

Answer: Yes, many times it will, but not always.  However, most women find that use of suppositories when needed help balance their PH and relieve any yeast and BV symptoms.


Question:  Are Boric Acid Suppositories better than antibiotics?


Answer:  In many instances where prescription medications such as antibiotics don’t work, Boric Acid Suppositories have been shown to resolve the problem.  Additionally, suppositories are considered a more natural and holistic remedy compared to pharmaceuticals if you’re looking for a natural solution.


Question: How do Boric Acid Suppositories work?


Answer:  Suppositories come in a variety of forms.  Some are capsules, but most are bullet shaped forms made of solidified vegetable or coconut oil mixed with Boric Acid and other probiotics.  They should be pushed into the vagina as far as possible once per day before bedtime.  The suppository will melt at body temperature and be absorbed into the bloodstream and also coat the infected area to fight infection.  There is typically leakage during use, so it’s recommended that you use panty liners after the suppository is inserted.


Question:  Where do I get Boric Acid Suppositories?


Answer: There are prescription suppositories available, but most suppository options are available over-the-counter.  You can find them online here is a brand we recommend.


Question: Do I need to consult my doctor before using Boric Acid Suppositories?


Answer: It is always wise to consult a physician if you are experiencing any unusual discomfort or infection-like symptoms in your vaginal region.  However, Boric Acid is generally considered a mild enough cure-all substance and therefore doesn’t require a prescription or permission from your doctor.  In fact, many studies are showing it to be a holistic and natural alternative to typical medicine approaches.


* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Vulvovaginal candidiasis section of Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines 2010. MMWR, 59(RR-12): 61-63. Also available online: http://www.cdc.gov/std



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